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Glocal Friendship Association

樹木の紹介 introduction of trees

ソナジュリ(アカシア) Sonajhuri(acacia)
Adapted to waste land and grows fast. It grows 7 to 8
meters in 4 to 5 years. It is possible to collect the leaves for fuel.
マンゴー Mango
To some extent it needs better soil condition and maintenance after planting, but it's long ages and grows into big tree, supply its fruit for many years.
カシュー cashew
荒地に適応し高い気温を好む。4~5年目から花をつける。実をジュースに種は食用に(カシューナッツ)。大き な収入源となる。
Adapted to waste land and like high temperatures.
Flowering in 4 to 5 years. Fruit is for juice and seed is for food. It is big income source.
マングローブ Mangrove
The delta of Ganga mixed with seawater, it is
necessary to plant mangrove trees to protect
the river side and land.
その他 others
Teak tree(left picture), mahogany tree(back of right picture) for timber, nimes tree(front of right picture)
for medicine, there are many kinds of trees.
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