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Glocal Friendship Association

植林プロセス2 afforestation process2
Planted trees
The seedling just planted. Left is cashew sapling, right is sonajhuri. It is important to survive the dry season of the first and second year and that is the point. The seedlings can sometimes die where are in the place without water retention capacity.

Watching & survey
After planting, put the watchman for several years,
watch the plantation area. It means to protect that the cows and wild animals enter the plantation area and eat the young seedlings. Also, prevent to steal the seedlings.

植林直後 just planted
1〜2年後 after 1-2 years
2〜3年後 after 2-3 years
3〜4年後 after 3-4 years
7〜8年後 after 7-8 years
5〜6年後 after 5-6 years

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